Live While We're Young✦

taley bygkan kalau aq dok ostel !
POSTED ON: Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 1:51 AM | 0 cookies

assalamua'laikum mr bloggy :). ari nie aq ada bnda nk cite... byk sih bnda jdi ari nie..
mai aq cite satu per satu !
tdi mse rehat, aq gy jmpa cikgu zubaidah 4 ostel. first2 takut gk arr nak minx... aq x minx, hawa yg tlong minx ! slamberr jea dia ckp kat cikgu... tp tk taw msuk ke nak bka blog ! aq nak on9 fb ! aq nak gna fon aq ! kalau dok ostel.. sume tue aq taley wat ! sedeyh~
ok2, back to the story.. mula2 kmi sembang2 lu ngn cikgu.. pas2 hawa mai2 ckp ' cikgu bley x akma dok ostel?' cikgu pun kte arr ' spe yg nak duduk?' aq rse ckgu x dgr kowtt..
then, hawa pun kata lar nma aq ! aq dok sbelah ckgu.. pas2 cikgu kte 'ok, esk akma mai ambik borang'
pergghh.. aq pkir cikgu x trima.. so aq ley kte kat ayh aq yg cikgu yg x bgi ! ayh aq taley nk swoh aq minx asrama dahh...
slalu nyer kalau murid yg umah dia dkat ngn ostel... cikgu akn kte umah dkat jea.. tpi ckgu relax jea ckp cam 2... nie pun aq x gtaw kat ayh aq yg aq dah minx ostel... nnty arr aq gtaw..
rse cam aq taley pick up aq nyer studies arr... aq tkut studies aq down ! menurun ! tak nak~ tak nak ~
p/s: aq x nk msok ostel sowang2... nad ! masok ostel ngn aq jumm :)


My pastMy future

Assalamua'laikum . This is my paradise. Imma directioner :D Speaking here is Nurshadatul Akma . Do follow and leave your footprints on my tagbord xD Be nice here . Don't do anything that might harm my blog!

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Past Tenses


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